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Work Experience

  • AI Solutions Consultant and AI Engineer
    iApp Technology Limited, Thailand, Jan 2024 - Apr 2024
    • Contributed to strategic decision-making, guiding AI project lifecycles from concept to completion, aligning with trends and goals to ensure top-quality and performance for successful delivery to clients.
    • Provided expert consultation on integrating AI solutions to client products for enhancing their business and achieving strategic goals.
    • Spearheaded POCs, developed, and delivered AI solutions, leveraging open-source LLMs (e.g., LLaMa-2 and OpenThaiGPT) with RAG through PyTorch and llama.cpp, for various use cases, including, financial agents, helpdesk, and information retrieval tasks.
    • Conducted comprehensive data analysis and modeling using PyTorch, enhancing model accuracy by up to 27% for various tasks such as intent classification, sentiment analysis, and face-shape classification.
    • Contributed the development of state-of-the-art AI products for various domain solutions, e.g., multilingual ASR (English, Japanese, Chinese and Thai) with up to 99% of accuracy achievement and LLM-based FAQ classification with 88.97% of accuracy.
  • Machine Learning Researcher and Lecturer
    Artificial Intelligence Association of Thailand, Thailand, Jan 2018 - Aug 2023
    • Designed and delivered Python courses on data analysis, AI, and ML. Covered tools (e.g., pandas, scikit-learn, spacy) and algorithms (e.g., regression, SVM, neural nets) in text and image analysis to educate hundreds of students, cultivating ML enthusiasts in Thailand.
    • Offered in-depth consultations to undergraduate and graduate students on theoretical, practical, ML concepts, strategically guiding study plans and assisting in the publication of over 20+ international research papers and projects.
  • Research Assistant
    Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, Sep 2019 - Mar 2020
    • Collaborated with a multidisciplinary team of 8 members to design and implement tailored APIs for Natural Langue Understanding and Generation units for Japanese conversational dialogs.
    • Designed, developed, and applied LSTM-based sequence-to-sequence models using PyTorch for text generation and refinement, resulting in enhanced fluency and a more natural linguistic output, validated through human evaluations.
  • Machine Learning Engineer, Software Engineer, and Researcher
    iApp Technology Limited, Thailand, Mar 2017 - Feb 2018
    • Spearheaded and led a cross-disciplinary team of linguists and software developers to construct the first Thai Treebank, comprising over 5,000 entries, contributing Thai NLP resources, enhancing research, innovations, and applications in the NLP community.
    • Led the development and deployment of native and web applications in React, Python, and GCP as a pipeline product for syntactic extraction, with an emphasis on intuitive UX, bolstering ongoing developments in the Thai NLP community.

Selected Projects

  • Extreme Fine-tuning: A Novel and Fast Fine-tuning Approach for Text Classification (EACL 2024) (Mar 2024)
    • Proposed a novel text classification fine-tuning approach incorporating backpropagation with extreme learning machine, reducing fine-tuning time while retaining classification accuracy and F1-score.
    • Attained faster fine-tuning time by up to 74.8% with comparable scores over recent state-of-the-art models on MELD, IEMOCAP, IMDb, and AG News datasets.
  • LLaVAC: Fine-tuning LLaVA as a Multimodal Sentiment Classifier (Jan 2024)
    • Proposed a method to fine-tune Large Language-and-Vision Assistant (LLaVA) as a classifier for classifying multimodal sentiment labels by designing a prompt to consider unimodal and multimodal labels and generating predicted labels.
    • Outperformed state-of-the-art baselines by up to 7.31% in accuracy and by 8.76% in weighted-F1 in the MVSA-Single dataset.
  • A Unification-based Knowledge Graph Construction for Thai Profile Generation from Online Resources (Sep 2023)
    • Constructed a knowledge graph for Thai researchers, using 6+ million entries crawled from online research databases.
    • Designed a semi-supervised method with multi-task learning to extract entities/relations, improving F1-score by 8% over baseline.
  • Simple2In1:A Simple Method for Fusing Two Sequences from Different Captioning Systemsinto One Sequence (Sep 2023)
    • Developed a T5-based generative model for Thai captions fusion, outperforming baselines by 5.2% in sBLEU and ROUGE-L scores.
    • Accomplished a sBLEU score of 79% and a ROUGE-L score of 90% for a small captioning dataset comprising 3,168 samples.
  • LATTE: Lattice ATTentive Encoding for Character-based Word Segmentation (Jun 2023)
    • Proposed, and implemented a sequence labelling method that integrates multi-granularity linguistic units, Lattices, GNNs, PTMs, and Attention Mechanism using PyTorch and PyG to generate and refine text representations for word segmentation.
    • Achieved state-of-the-art performance (97.7% to 99.4% of F1-score) across Asian languages: Japanese, Chinese, and Thai.
  • Multimodal Sentiment Analysis Using Multiple Labels from Different Modalities (Mar 2023)
    • Collaborated with students to design and implement a sentiment analysis model for social network data, leveraging text, image, and multimodal labels using CLIP, BERT, and RoBERTa. Yielded up to 2% improvement in F1-score over recent models.
    • Attained F1-scores of 74.1% for MVSA-single and 62.0% MVSA-multiple datasets.
  • Detecting Fraud Job Recruitment Using Features Reflecting from Real-world Knowledge of Fraud (Mar 2022)
    • Developed a method to classify fake job recruitments using a set of novel features designed to reflect fraudster behaviors.
    • Yielded accuracy of 97.64% for Employment Scam Aegean Dataset (EMSCAD).
  • Public Budget Usage Monitoring System (Feb 2019)
    • Cooperated with an interdisciplinary team to develop a monitoring system that utilizes Scrapy to crawl large-scale unstructured data from government sites, such as procurement and budget portals, for corruption detection in text data. Deployed by two organizations.
    • Developed a text classification method in TensorFlow, with rule-based enhancements, for corruption detection, validated by experts.
    • Obtained Bronze Medal in The 47th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva


  • Doctor of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, 2019 - 2023
  • Master of Engineering, Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University, Thailand, 2015 - 2018
    • Major: Information and Communication Technology for Embedded Systems
    • Advisor: Prof. Thanaruk Threeramunkong
    • Thesis: A Framework of Thai Treebank Construction and Grammar Refinement
    • Scholarship: TAIST - Tokyo Tech Scholarship
  • Bachelor of Science, Thammasat University, Thailand, 2011 - 2015
    • Major: Computer Science
    • Advisor: Dr. Ratchata Peachavanish
    • Thesis: Web Application for Learning Thai Language using Song Lyrics
    • Activity: President of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Thammasat University


  • Technical Skills
    • Programming Languages: Python, C/C++, Rust, Java
    • ML Toolkits: PyTorch/Lightning, TensorFlow/Keras, Hugging Face, PyG, DGL, OpenCV, Scikit-learn, Spacy, NLTK
    • Tools & Technology: Linux, Hadoop, Spark, SQL, NoSQL, Oracle Database, Docker, Jupyter, Neo4j, Elasticsearch, GCP, AWS, Git
  • Languages
    • Thai: Native
    • English: Professional working proficiency
    • Japanese: Limited working proficiency